Sunday, August 12, 2007


I so miss being here! I'm afraid that until I find my groove with my new job, my postings are going to be few and far between....yuck! I have a 40 minute commute everyday, the early mornings are my coffee time with Jesus and by the time I get home and take care of my family and prepare for my next day, the day is computer time! Pray I learn the ropes and find my groove...soon!

In the midst of this transiton time the Lord has been reminding me about ATTITUDE! I've been studying the book of Malachi (another minor prophet with a major lesson) and the Lord God had a few choice words for His priests and His people about their lackluster devotion to Him and the slipshod way they worshiped. Words like, despised, contemptible, useless, just to name a few. They began to question God's love for them and thus began the descent into the pit mediocrity, complacency, and flat-out disobedience. People were offering and priest were accepting defiled sacrifices. The people served in a perfunctory and mechanical manner, going through the motions with no heart or conviction about what they were doing. They came to believe that offering stolen or lame or sick animals as sacrifices to God was not a problem as far as worship was concerned. They had the nerve to believe God would accept these offerings and be pleased with them. Worship was a mere drudgery, a meaningless activity they did out of habit. Their attitude toward God was reflected in their actions....are we getting a clue? I know I am! The Lord has reminded me that my actions are always connected to my actions are always set in motion by my attitude! My actions reveal what I believe about God. Some of the harshest words the Lord God utters in this book are found in Chapter 1 verse 10...."I wish one of you would shut the temple doors, so that you would no longer kindle a useless fire on My altar! I am not pleased with you, says the LORD of Hosts, and I will accept no offering from your hands." Can you imagine that kind of rebuke on our worship today? What would we think if God said, "I would rather you nail the doors shut than have you worship me halfheartedly as you do." I get goosebumps just thinking about it!

So, I have had an attitude adjustment. Just because I am experiencing some difficulties in this time of transition does not mean He still does not deserve my very best...He is God...the LORD of Hosts.....King of Kings.... the great I AM. He wants my wholehearted devotion and nothing else will do!


Sharon Brumfield said...

Yes, that was good.
Sometimes it is hard to believe that we serve the same God of the Old Testament and that He thinks the same way He used to.
I love that your "attitudes determine your actions".
Kind of like--What's down in the well comes up in the bucket.
What am I serving up for God to drink?

Xandra@Heart-of-Service said...

I agree with Sharon...we forget sometimes that we serve the same God that rained down fire on Sodom and destroyed almost all of humanity in a flood. His character is multifaceted and includes love, wrath, and justice (just to name a few).

We tend to focus on "God is love" and get too comfortable with that label. Thanks for the reminder that our worship is offensive to God when we do it mechanically!

Susanne said...

AWESOME POST girlfriend!!! (I am going to link to it in my post for today!) I have SO missed you, and I will be praying for you during this time of transition, that you find your "groove" soon! When you do, I want you to DANCE ALL OVER THE PLACE, and give HIM the praise!! Love you girl!!

Nise' said...

Well ouch and thank you! I needed this reminder today:
"He is God...the LORD of Hosts.....King of Kings.... the great I AM. He wants my wholehearted devotion and nothing else will do"
I confess I have been using the excuse of my painful flare-up not to give Him my best.

Melissa said...

Glad you're back, even if for a short, powerful time. No coincidence that this Scripture was our Sunday School lesson yesterday. I think the Lord may be trying to tell me something...

Connie Barris said...

Thank you for the reminder... many times attitude gets me in a situation or out of a situation.. it's my choice..

"God" luck on the job... and getting settled...


Susanne said...

Hi there!! Just wanted to let you know that it's PARTY TIME over at my blog!! Swing by and check it out!!!

Alida Sharp said...

attitude adjustment... thanks for the reminder!

Jennifer said...

Thanks Momma! I needed this reminder in my life right now. I get so lazy. So many times my intentions never turn into anything more than that...intentions. God, in His unexplainable holiness, deserves so much more than I offer Him. "Fairest Lord Jesus, Ruler of all nature, O Thou of God and man the Son, Thee will I cherish, Thee will I honor, Thou my soul's glory, joy, and crown."

Xandra@Heart-of-Service said...

Go to my blog and pick up you award! Have a great day!

Karen said...

PHENOMENAL post! I so agree with you! I will be praying for you about you getting in the groove of a routine.

Blessings and Hugs~