"The angel said.....He is not here, for He is risen, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying." Matt. 28:6
They didn't remember. On several occassions Jesus had told His followers of His predestined death and resurrection (Matt. 16:21), but they didn't remember. Fear...despair...worry... have a way of doing that to us don't they? We forget His words....His very sure words. How ironic that those who hated Jesus remembered what He said (Matt. 27:63), but not His sheep.
Like the angel who reminded the women at the tomb that He had risen, "just as He said", the Holy Spirit reminds me of a few "just as He saids"......
Your needs will be met (Phil 4:19)...just as He said.
He is your stability (Isaiah 33:6)....just as He said.
He will never leave you (Matt. 28:20)...just as He said.
He's listening to you (Psalm 116:1-2)....just as He said.
He is for you (Psalm 118:6)...just as He said.
His righteousness is yours (2 Cor. 5:21)...just as He said.
As we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, may we remember what He has said to us and not only remember, but believe Him! His word is as sure as the resurrection! Praise His glorious name!
Celebrating our Risen Lord......