Saturday, September 29, 2007

Soothing Balm

Does anyone remember the old hymn, "There is a Balm in Gilead"?

There is a balm in Gilead
To make the wounded whole;
There is a balm in Gilead
To heal the sin sick soul.
Some times I feel discouraged
And think my work’s in vain,
But then the Holy Spirit
Revives my soul again.
I know the hymn is referring to Jesus as being that "balm" for our souls and praise His name, He is, and what a soothing balm He is, but may I say that I find this place, "blogville", to be a soothing balm also for this wounded soul.
As most of you know I am married to a pastor and I was wounded today in church...yes I said negative comments made about him. I did not retaliate or respond how my flesh wanted....the Holy Spirit keeps Colossians 3:12-14 ever before me when it comes to church family relationships. So after I spent some time "telling on them" to Jesus, I came here. Visiting your pages and seeing God at work in your lives is so uplifting and encouraging. In my mind, this community of "blog sistas" is what church should be like...always encouraging, always uplifting, we bear one another's burdens, we weep with those who weep, rejoice with those who rejoice, and always Jesus is magnified! Thank you girls, for ministering to me. Even when I don't get to post as I would like to, I still visit with you and gain strength and encouragement from your journeys.....your the BOMB! The Holy Spirit has used YOU and the promises of His Word to revive this wounded soul! Praise Him!
May we all live out the teaching of Colossians 3:12-14 (especially me, at this time!):
So as those who have been chosen of God , holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience; bearing with one another and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone, just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you. Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity
To God be the glory!


Patty said...

I am so sorry someone hurt you and your husband. I can come there and talk to them if you want?;) Telling on them to Jesus was the best thing to do. Sad to say that christians in the church can do you more harm than anyone else. Trust me when I say I know what you are talking about. We have a "group" as I call them trying to wreak havoc in the church. The saddest part of all is that it breaks God's heart. God taught me a fews ago as I was being attacked by a person in our church to (I can't remember where this verse is) God, put a muzzle over my mouth in the presence of the wicked. I prayed that A LOT during that season and it worked. Imagine that, LOL!! The person would come up to me and say awful things and I just smiled and said nothing. That is the power of God! They left the church over a year ago. So, I pray that this person/s would apologize to your husband! Have a great Monday!

Priscilla said...

Christians are so mean sometimes! My friend's husband (also a pastor)just got asked for his resignation and I am so mad at his church members! If he was not what they needed anymore - fine! but they attacked his CHILDREN! They are 5th grade, 3rd grade and two years of age. I was so hurt for him and his wife. I have been praying for them and I will pray for you too! Keep your head up! Being a pastor's wife is not an easy job - and the pay stinks!

Cecelia said...

Hey Tammie Fay,

I met you at Deeper Still. (I am on the top row in the picture next to my daughter). From one PW to another ....hang in there girl, your Father is a King, as a matter of fact He is the King of Kings ! I have a T-Shirt that I wear that has the letters CAMP on it. Unfortunately sometimes that stands for Christians are mean people ! Actually we know who the real enemy is and his days are numbered !
My husband was under attack this week as well and he is on a mission trip ! But he called me and told me to Be Still and let God deal with the situation and then God gave me Proverbs 20:22.
Anyway I wrote vaguely about it on my blog if you want to check it out. Be blessed and I will pray for you and your man !

Susanne said...

I am so sorry Sweet Sistah, for this pain that has found its way into your heart. I am so thankful that you have shared this with us though, because as someone who is headed into this same ministry, I need to hear it. The fact that you have handled this with such grace and dignity is such an inspiration to me. You just keep your eyes "lifted unto the hills, for that is where your help comes from"!!! I LOVE YOU!!! (And thank you for your beautiful prayer for my family!!)

Patty said...

Hi Twin Sis!!!
I wanted to check in on you. How are you doing? How are things at church? I know God goes before your husband and yourself and God will take care of everything! You are right, I should come and visit you! We would have so much fun!!! We could go to Starbucks!! :o) You need to visit me. I live 45 minutes from Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg, the Smokey Mountains!! We should do a siesta retreat in the Smokies! How fun would that be? I hope you have a great weekend!!
P.S. Cecelia is my best friend. I introduced you all at Deeper Still. This is why I respect and admire preacher's wives!!

Xandra@Heart-of-Service said...

I love the concept of telling on them to Jesus, instead of telling on them to other people and engagin in gossip. I need to apply that to my life many times...thanks for the reminder!

Mindy said...

HI. This is my first visit. I wanted to say that I totally understand your hurt. I, too, am a pw and it is the absolute WORST when someone talks bad about hubby in my presence.....or even if they don't know I heard it.
I'm so sorry that had to happen. We are struggling at our church these days and I so feel like I go to church every week just waiting for what is going to come up next....
Nice to meet you!
In HIM -

Xandra@Heart-of-Service said...

Are you still alive out there? I've missed your blogging over the last few months.....

Patty said...

Tammy I haven't heard from you in so long and I wanted to come by and say hi and that I am thinking of you. I pray that you and your family have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!


Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Anonymous said...

Larnelle Harris did an awesome rendition of this song, but when i went to find it, it was out of "print". My mom mailed or talked to some of his people and they sent us a rough copy. I have it and listen to it often. I can never remember the send lines and am so glad to read them hear! It's one I keep on autoplay in my mind in tough times.

Thanks for the link love, and for your faithfulness. Hang in there.
