Thursday, March 19, 2009

Minister's Wives Conference

Last weekend I had the absolute joy and blessing to attend Lifeway's Minister's Wives Conference led by Beth Moore. What made it even more special was being able to go with my dearest friend of nearly 28 years, Sarah. She and her husband David and me and my husband Mark, have been friends since college. Both of us married our men after graduation, knowing what we were getting ourselves in the in the ministry. We had no idea what lay ahead (thank you, Jesus!), but we loved our God and we loved our men. We have walked through the good, bad, and the ugly of ministry....and have found God faithful at every turn. Both of our husbands and us and going through great difficulty in ministry right now, so this conference was a much needed time of refreshment and renewal. We were not disappointed! Beth brought it as usual! She taught and admonished us from the book of Galatians...the topic? "When Misery Visits Ministry". Wow! How did she know? Only God! She helped us recognize 6 aggravations in ministry, then gave us 6 alternatives for them. I have listed them below...all Christians (since we are all made ministers by Christ) will be able to identify with these:

1. Aggravation:
Ministry by default. Life long misfit.

Chosen by God. Have holy fit.

2. Aggravation:
Seek Their Approval. Become Their Slave.

Seek God's Approval. Find Your Peace!

3. Aggravation:
Work With People. Expect Titanic Problems.

Choose to Trust. Not to Rust.

4. Aggravation:
Trade Your Bondage. Keep Your Chains.

Don't Ignore. Get Restored. Then Restore.

5. Aggravation:
Sow the Flesh. Reap the Dregs.

Sow the Spirit. Reap the Life.

6. Aggravation:
Lose What Counts. Watch Misery Mount.

Keep the King the Thing - JESUS!

Not only did God give us a word, but He gave us such a sweet time of fellowship with other minister's wives. I even got to meet some siesta's.....
Georgia Jan, Amy W., and KristiB!

That is Amy on the left, then Jan, yours truly in red, and Kristi on the right. You would have thought we had been friends forever! Isn't it amazing what Jesus does? They were the sweetest things!

Keep the King the Thing!


amywaddell said...

Hey Tammy!!!!!!!
Yes we got a word,love you already... Take care and yes we will keep it touch ...God is good to give us sweet friends in this life we live.
Hugs!!!! and I do love that picture, we have the JOY of THE LORD on our faces.

Gran Jan said...

Tammie Fay - what a wonderful weekend! This time last weekend we (all 1,200 of us) were together. It was a precious Spirit-filled weekend. I'll never forget all of us praying for Cindy Winters - may God bless her and continue to uphold her and her daughters.

Please keep in touch - you are so delightful! That was fun when you texted me and I got up to "count the pews" so I could find you!

God is so good to give us blessings and friendships like this!

Much Love,

pam said...

Hi Tammie, thanks for stopping in. After walking with God for 39 years I often "think" there's not much new...then His Spirit blows a fresh Word and awakens a Truth I have known forever like I've never heard it. I've only done 2 Beth Moore studies but God moves me each time. I used to be part of a church leadership team and the years knocked me out. I've learned so much through the Esther study that helped me hear His sweet voice to get back on my feet again. Blessings of all His best...You are His beloved!

Nise' said...

How wonderful that you attended this conference and got to meet some fellow bloggers! After reading the comments wives in ministry left, it gave me a whole new appreciation and burden to pray for my Pastor's wife, who is also my friend!

Kristib said...

Hey Tammy

It was an awesome weekend! Yes, we must keep in touch!

Love ya!