Sunday, May 3, 2009

Don't worry....start praying!

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Phil. 4:6

My man is preaching through the book of Philippians on Sunday mornings. And boy did he "bring it" this morning. I got me a now kind of word today and wanted to share a small portion of it, hoping it will bless and encourage you.

In Paul's admonishment to the Philippian church, the emphasis of the verse is not so much on stopping worrying as it is on starting praying. The word for prayer in the original language is their word for prayer, but it also brings with it the connotation of worship, adoration, devotion. Worship and worry cannot coexist. When we worship our God, exalt Him, magnify Him, anxious thoughts disintegrate. As we bring our supplications (our earnest desires) to Him, anxious thoughts are replaced with trust and when we do this with a thankful heart, we are reminded of the faithfulness of our is to this God we make our request! And then you know what happens?

...the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:7

You want to stop worrying? START PRAYING!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Tammie Fay! I'm coming to visit from Lisa's site. It's nice to meet another woman behind the man! =) You had a great question and I posted my answers over at the preacher's wife.

His grace is sufficient. said...

Hi Tammie,
Thanks for sharing the Word today. I would have loved to hear your man preach through Philippians. My plans to hear our friend preach last night didn't come to fruition. I was so disappointed.

I was keeping my little man though. He is growing so fast.

Nise' said...

I love Philippians! This book is so marked up with thoughts, observations and praises that I need replacement pages!

Sharon Brumfield said...

Amen girl!
He will Keep them in perfect peace who's mind is steadfast on Him....because they trust in Him.
And that whole praying thing--:)---it builds trust.

Father bless this girl as she walks your walk.