Thursday, June 28, 2007

An Award....Me?

I got a Blogging Award! Is that not a hoot n' a half? Not only that, but I got it twice! My sweet sistas Sharon at Sit With Me Awhile and Patty at Girlfriends in God both graced me with the honor! As I told them, this whole blogging adventure has turned out to be more than I bargained for and I mean that in a good way. I only started so I could keep up with our precious Bible teacher, Beth, and it has taken on a life of it's own! I like to think it is part of the "abundant life" that Jesus promised us! I have been so encouraged and so blessed by all I have come in contact with through this has truly strengthened me and given me the endurance I need in my walk with the Lord.

Sharon, my heart is so encouraged by your tenacity and the way you "work the thing out" with the Lord! Hang in there sista! I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will complete it! (Phil. 1:6)

Patty, I agree with you, you must be my long lost twin! No one in my family has the same "the early bird gets the worm" attitude as I do or the same penchant for coffee...where have you been all my life?! I love your love for Jesus who obviously has been your rock and refuge in times of storm. Keep shining girl!

If I understand correctly, I now get to bestow this award on at least five deserving sistas...where do I begin? I've been blessed by so many.....

I would like to pass this award on to Susanne at Truly Captivating. You will love visiting with her. I can see her love for God's word growing each! The fact that she's a praise dancin', hand raisn', Baptist is merit alone to receive the award from go girl!

To Sue at Praise and Coffee....the name of her blog alone is enough to make me want to visit! Her sweet and gentle spirit just oozes from her blog. She always has a good word. You will enjoy your time there.

I also want to give this award to Jennifer at Savor the Master's Blend. She's just getting started and she needs encouragement! She wrote an awesome post on describing God (see her June 10th post)...that girl's got a good head on her shoulders (Ok, so she is my daughter, she still deserves it!). Give her a'll be glad you did!

Ok girls...I know this award is the "Rockin' GIRL Blogger Award" ....but...(you may need to put on your heart of forebearance and forgiveness here... Col. 3:13) I want to give this award to Travis Cottrell. He so deserves it (you know he does)! Any man who works with women the way he does, who leads us in worship at all of Beth's events, and endures being submersed in "all things women" for weekends at a time, plus has a ROCKIN' blog, deserves it! Oh, I can hear the naysayers now.....he might not want the award, it's too...."girly!" Are you kidding? I believe Travis is secure enough in his masculinty to proudly display his award! (Travis, if you read this, don't make me regret my a sista out here!) His blog is such a blessing. Believe it or not he does have a life outside of LPL and God is using him in mighty ways. The fact that he shares himself with us is very humbling to me. Travis, I don't know about anyone else, but, YOU ROCK MY FACE OFF! (just learned that little endearment from my college-aged daughter and it has come in quite handy lately!)

Oh, this is so much fun! To anyone who finds their way here, may you be blessed, but most of all....may God be honored and praised!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Honor Your Husband

I have to admit that fulfilling my goals for last week was not that hard. My man is a husband that most women would die to have. He is attentive, romantic, fiercely protective of our marriage and family (very important as a pastor), loves his daughters, loves me, and loves his Lord with all his heart, soul and strength. I'm a high school teacher, and I tell young men all the time..."you want win the heart of Christian girl? Love Jesus! Live out your life in Christ, and she won't be able to resist you!" That's what did it for me!

Here's my goal for this week....RESPECT. Oh, I respect my man alright, but I want to be more demonstrative and vocal about it. The scripture says that we are "to see to it." A deliberate focus.

For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. This mystery is great, but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the church. Nevertheless, each individual among you also is to love his wife even as himself, and the wife must see to it that she respects her husband. Eph. 5:31-33
Let me share something that the Lord just recently convicted my heart about. Did you know that our marriages as Christians are to be representations of Christ's relationship with the church? I have read the Apostle Paul's mandates on marriage (Eph. 5:22-33) umpteen times and it has never hit me until recently. I think I have so obsessed over the "S" word (submit) that I failed to see the big picture! The mystery that Paul speaks of in verse 32 of Christ and the church is unfolded before the world in the relationship of man and wife. Wow! What are telling the world about our Lord through our marriages? What are we telling our God?

Friday, June 22, 2007

Words of Encouragement

As I was finishing up my study with ol' Hab today, I read this quote from Matthew Henry. It encouraged my heart so, that I just have to share it with all of you. Referring to the last chapter (Ch. 3) he says....

"Habakkuk who begins his prayer with fear and trembling, ends it with joy and triumph. And thus, faith in Christ prepares for every event. The name of Jesus, when we speak of Him as ours, is balm for every wound, a cordial for every care. It is ointment poured forth, shedding fragrance through the whole soul. In the hope of a heavenly crown, let us sit loosely to earthly possessions and comforts, and cheerfully bear up under crosses. Yet a little while, and He that shall come, will come, and will not tarry, and where He is we shall be also."
That just makes me want to shout, raise my hands, dance a jig....I might could even jump a pew! What about you?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I am really treasuring my study with the minor prophets these last few weeks. Joel, Nahum, Obadiah, Habakkuk.....where have you guys been all my life? (I do know the answer to that question, just wanted you to see how convicting that was to me!) These guys reveal some awesome things about our God and His character. Most of their messages were referred to as "oracles" with the Hebrew meaning "burden," a load carried by beast of burden. I can so relate to that as a pastor's wife. I've seen the burden of the messages God has placed on my man. Some burdens pleasant to carry and deliver, some not, but must be delivered in obedience to God. What an overwhelming tasks our pastors must undertake, and yet there are those who think they have such "easy" jobs! Thank and bless your pastor today! (Sorry, but I just had to chase that rabbit for minute!)

I've been spending time with Habakkuk (or as I like to refer to him...Hab) this week. The whole book is just a conversation between him and the LORD God. I was so touched by his candidness. Fed up with the wickedness of his people he ask God what He's going to do about it. God responds and tells what He has made plans to do, but it's not exactly what ol' Hab was hoping for. Boy, does that scenerio sound familiar! God tells Hab He will raise up an enemy to defeat them and carry them off into captivity. Not only will He use the enemy to exercise discipline on His people , He will then judge the enemy for what they did. Lesson learned?......God can do what He dang well pleases! He is Sovereign God! He is at work in all things, no matter where they come from. He reminds Hab that "the righteous will live by his faith" (2:4). He is in control, He can be trusted, He knows what He is doing.

Hab gets it and in the final chapter responds to God with these profound words:

"LORD, I have heard of Your fame. I stand in awe of Your deeds, O LORD. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known, in wrath, remember mercy.

Though the fig tree should not blossom, and there be no fruit on the vines, though the yield of the olive should fail and the fields produce no food, though the flock should be cut off from the fold and there be no cattle in the stalls, yet will I exult in the Lord, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength, and He has made my feet like hinds' feet, and makes me walk on my high places." Hab. 3:2, 17-19

Hear this my sweet bloggity friends......WHEN ALL IS GONE, GOD IS NOT GONE! God is not to be be worshiped merely because of the temporal blessings He has bestowed, but for His own sake...who He IS! He is all we need.....and I hope you have found this to be true....He is enough!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Honor Your Husband Challenge

Ok, sistas, I want to encourage those of you are married to join our sista Christine in the Honor Your Husband Challenge. I know this meme was heaven-sent. The Lord has really been dealing with me about how I take my man for granted. One of my man's love languages is words of affirmation, and I really fall short meeting this need in his life. So....

My goals for this week are... give an affirming word to my man every day. ask about his day, then listen, really listen. ask him for specific ways I can pray for him.

I'm really looking forward to joining with fellow sistas in this. I need the accountibility! So how 'bout it? Are you with me?

Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all."

Friday, June 15, 2007

Funny Friday

It's obvious I'm from the south...this is such a hoot! Wanted to start your weekend on a funny note...a merry heart is good medicine! (Prov.17:22)
Have a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Enjoying God

My pastor preached the best message this morning...and I let him know it by planting a big kiss on him (You get to do that when your married to him)! His message came from Psalm 16:11...

You will make known to me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.
The whole premise of the message was based on this question....Are you enjoying your relationship with God? There are many Christians out there who are not and quite frankly who don't think a relationship with God is something to be enjoyed. How deceived we can be!
So, my friends in blogland, here's what I want to know. How do you enjoy God?
Here are just a few of the ways I enjoy Him....
I enjoy Him as I read of His marvelous exploits in His Word.

I enjoy Him as I drink my coffee and watch the birds, squirrels, and other critters from my sun room each morning.

I enjoy Him in my personal worship as I sing, dance, pray, weep, rejoice before Him.

I enjoy Him when I worship with my fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord.
I enjoy Him when I'm blogging!
I enjoy Him when I see my children loving and serving Him.
I enjoy Him when I am hurt/discouraged over someone's hurtful comment.
I enjoy Him when I am in desperate need.
I could go on....and on....I just plain ol' ENJOY GOD! As Beth Moore has said...."God just does it for me!"
So tell me. How do you enjoy God?

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful for the call I got this morning about a teaching position. I interview next week!

I'm thankful for my son-in-law, who has a new blog James 1:22 and loves my daughter and is taking very good care of her.

I'm thankful for coffee...need I say more?

I'm thankful for my cat Callie. You'll hear more about that later.

I'm so thankful for the stability of God's Word. When all else seems to be shaky and unstable, His Word is a sure foundation.

I'm thankful for flip-flops... they are cheap, easy to put on, and come in every color you can there any other shoe wear in the summer?!

I'm thankful tomorrow is the last day of VBS...been fun...been a blessing (2 children came to know Jesus!)...but I'm pooped!

I'm thankful for phone calls from my two eldest who have flown the coop. It's so good to hear from them!

What are you thankful for?

Sunday, June 3, 2007


Been studying the book of Joel this week in preparation for the Sunday School class I teach. Wow! Minor prophet with a major lesson....the joy of repentance! Oh, the lengths God will go to bless His children and to assure them of Whose they are! Whether God sends adverse circumstances our way as result of His judgement or discipline, He offers an amazing invitation...

"Return to me with all your heart, and with fasting, weeping, and mourning. And rend your heart and not your garments. Now return to the LORD your God, for He is gracious, and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness, and relenting in evil." (Joel 2: 12-13)

Our repentance is based on WHO HE IS not on our ability to get our act together or be sorry enough, or, or, for cryin' out loud to do anything! He is GRACIOUS, it's based on His goodness, not ours. He is COMPASSIONATE. This word is derived from the Hebrew word for "womb", a place of nurture and protection for unborn babies. It points to God's loving care and nurture for helpless people. He is SLOW TO ANGER. A Hebrew idiom meaning "long of nostrils". It takes a long time before God's wrath results in actual judgement. How long? Long enough to give His children abundant time to repent. He is ABOUNDING IN LOVINGKINDNESS. Overflowing covenant love that is dependable at all times, under all circumstances. RELENTING IN EVIL. Based on His character and in response to His children's repentance, God can change His mind! Praise His name!

When we need to repent of something, why do we resist? Why do we wait? What are we afraid of? Whatever the answer to those questions are, we have bought what the enemy has been selling for ages. They are lies. I should know. The Enemy and I did business for years and I paid dearly for those lies when I could have been experiencing freedom and restoration at no cost. That's one of the things I love about repentance. It ALWAYS bring restoration...

"Then I will make up to you for the years that the swarming locusts have will have plenty to eat and be satisfied and praise the name of the LORD your God, who has dealt wondrously with you. Then my people will never be put to shame. Thus you will know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the LORD, your God, and there is no other, and my people will never be put to shame." (Joel 2: 25a - 27)

Restoration has glorious results! We will be SATISFIED. We learn to be satisfied with Him and Him alone. He is all we need. We will PRAISE HIM. We won't be able to help ourselves! He has dealt wondrously with us! We will NEVER BE PUT TO SHAME. Our faith grows. We are confident (the opposite of shame) that God IS who He says He is and that He can do what He says He can do!

Don't you just love Him?

Friday, June 1, 2007

My Mighty Women of His Word!

My first-born, Jennifer & my son-in law, Brandon at their wedding last June.
They are now in seminary at Louisville, KY studying to teach and preach God's Word.
She just set up her own blog, sistas, so go by and say Hi! I've been telling her all about my blog sistas, so I want her to meet you. Visit her at Savor the Master's Blend.

Daughter #2, Jessica, Daughter #4, Jordan, & Daughter #3, Joy Beth at Jordan's 13th birthday party.
Jess is a senior at Blue Mountain College (one of our Baptist colleges in MS) and is Asst. Camp Director for our State Baptist Youth Camps this summer. Biblical studies major.
Joy Beth is a senior in High School... owns more commentaries than me and wants to be the next Beth Moore!
Jordan is the psalmist of the bunch. Plays the guitar beautifully and writes praise and worship songs.
Am I blessed or what?!