Friday, June 15, 2007

Funny Friday

It's obvious I'm from the south...this is such a hoot! Wanted to start your weekend on a funny note...a merry heart is good medicine! (Prov.17:22)
Have a wonderful weekend!


Susanne said...

GIRLFRIEND!! That was too good!! (Especially considering the amount of noses running in my house right now!!) Thank you so much for that!! I really needed it today!

Connie Barris said...

Ok .. girl.. that was a hoot...
and yes.. I am from the south.. so I'm gettin' it all... y'all... snort.. giggle.. LOL

thank you for the laugh... great medicine... for a runny nose...

whew.. great way to start a weekend...

Sheila Lackey said...

Hillarious! I love it!
Thanks for sharing.