Thursday, June 7, 2007

Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful for the call I got this morning about a teaching position. I interview next week!

I'm thankful for my son-in-law, who has a new blog James 1:22 and loves my daughter and is taking very good care of her.

I'm thankful for coffee...need I say more?

I'm thankful for my cat Callie. You'll hear more about that later.

I'm so thankful for the stability of God's Word. When all else seems to be shaky and unstable, His Word is a sure foundation.

I'm thankful for flip-flops... they are cheap, easy to put on, and come in every color you can there any other shoe wear in the summer?!

I'm thankful tomorrow is the last day of VBS...been fun...been a blessing (2 children came to know Jesus!)...but I'm pooped!

I'm thankful for phone calls from my two eldest who have flown the coop. It's so good to hear from them!

What are you thankful for?


Sharon Brumfield said...

I will stand with you in thankfulness over coffee. I think God must be a coffee person Himself.
Thanks for sharing--rest up, I know what VBS can be like.

Deena Peterson said...

Amening that praise for coffee!!

Jennifer said...

I am definitely thankful for coffee.
I am thankful for when you wake up early in the morning & realize your alarm hasn't gone off yet and you have another hour to sleep.
I am thankful for ponytail holders.
I am thankful for Phoebe.
I am thankful for donuts.
I am thankful for the day lilies blooming around our shed.
I love you! Have a great day!

Nise' said...

I am thankful that coffee brings such joy others! I am not one of those others! LOL.

Thank you for your prayers. I have arrived at my moms. Now, let the praying begin! ;O0

God's girl said...

Just wanted to let you know I really enjoyed your blog! Thanks for sharing and may God bless your work!

Sheila Lackey said...

I am thankful today how God heals my wounds! Sometimes when I have been in a spiritual battle, I walk away with a few cuts and bruises. When I take off the band-aid and let Him look at it, He always makes it better! I am so thankful that He is so gentle with my "boo-boo".
Just found your blog this morning, I enjoyed it very much!


Cathy said...

HI you have a cat named Callie??? i almost named my calico the same...but chose Molly instead.